The advisory board of E4MeWi

Support from science and industry.

Advisory board members


Prof. Dr. Stefan Grimme

Professor at Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry at the University Bonn

Dr. Normen Szesni

Global Manager Future Technologies at Clariant AG

Dr. Alexander Lüken

Laboratory manager and global process expert at Covestro AG

Dr. Nicole Schödel

Head of Chemical Development and Services at Linde AG

Dr. Matthias Krüger

Senior Process Engineer Technology, Innovation and Sustainability at thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG

Max Fuhr

Commercial manager at Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen GmbH

Karsten Krieg

Head of focus group Biogas und commissioner at DanPower GmbH

Andreas Kuhlmann

Chief Executive at Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH